
Whitetail Deer Tracking

Two Whitetail Deer

The art of whitetail deer tracking is an art in itself, and the more knowledge you gain, the more likely you will be to successfully recover your kill. Learning the signs of blood trails and understanding body language can help you identify the deer you’re after. Here are some helpful tips to get you started. Use these tips to find your deer with ease and remember to bring good lights and spare batteries. Tracking can take hours, so you won’t want to be using a weak flashlight!

First, you’ll need to know what the fawn looks like. A fresh deer’s scat is light green, moist, and soft. A mature deer’s scat is dark green, dry, and hard. The pellets range in size from 1/4″ to 3/4″ long. Bigger deer also leave bigger piles of scat than smaller ones.

When the whitetail buck has been shot, look for signs of impact on its body. There will be blood and hair. When a bullet hits a deer, it will push hair into the exit wound. If the deer is hit in the back or rump, you’ll know it was hit low or in the gut. It’s best to wait a few minutes before following the blood trail to make sure it hit where it did.

You can also follow a whitetail deer’s tracks by looking for a dead arrow. If you can find blood on the arrow, you’re on the right track. A dead deer will often bleed internally, so if you can’t find the arrow, assume it was hit, and continue your search.

When hunting during the rut, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the rut is a short period of time. A hunter cannot pinpoint the exact dates when the rut begins. Rather, they should focus on patterns of behavior that they notice in the hunting area.

In addition to the above, whitetails like to have a good view when they sleep. A mineral lick stone is a good visual lure. It can be easily made and hung anywhere near a food source. You can even pour mineral lick stones into the ground at distances of 400 to 800 yards to attract deer. They will come near the mineral lick stone. And since minerals help deer overcome stress, it’s good to use mineral blocks as a supplement to the regular food. These blocks can be easily made at home using hand tools, sweat and farm supplies.

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