
When Do Whitetail Deer Shed Their Antlers?

A man with deer

The shedding process occurs at certain times of the year. The process usually begins after the winter solstice, when testosterone levels are at their lowest. As the days get longer, deer begin to prepare to cast their antlers. The timing of the process is complicated and varies from individual to individual. Some bucks may shed early if they are suffering from nutritional deficiency, while others may shed early as a result of their dominance.

It can be hard to spot a deer that has shed its antlers. But once you’ve found it, you’ll be able to determine its age and strength. The antlers are filled with calcium phosphate and high protein, making them a food source for rodents.

The process begins early in the winter, but is typically completed by mid-February or March. Although some bucks are slower than others, this timeframe can vary significantly depending on the area and weather conditions. If you’re planning to go hunting this year, the best time to look for shed antlers is from February to March.

The shedding process occurs every year. It can take up to two weeks for a buck to shed his antlers. Then, the regrowth process takes place over the summer and early fall. The process of antler shedding is one of the most fascinating parts of the deer life cycle.

The antler shedding process is triggered by testosterone levels dropping after the rut, causing the base of the antlers to weaken. As the testosterone levels decrease, the antlers will break off and fall off. The buck may shed antlers before or after shedding velvet. Some bucks shed their antlers early if they are injured, but the process causes no discomfort to the deer.

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