How Much Does a Whitetail Buck Weigh?

A man with Deer

A whitetail buck’s weight varies depending on the species. In colder climates, deer fatten up during the fall to be ready for the winter. A whitetail buck eats a lot […]

How Are Whitetail Deer Scored?

A man with deer and Gun

There are many factors that go into determining a deer’s score, including its antler size and shape. Using a scale of one to three points, the score is based on […]

How to Tell How Old Whitetail Deer Are

A man with deer

There are a few methods for telling the age of a deer. The first is by looking at the deer’s teeth. The wear on a deer’s teeth is directly proportional […]

Where is the Best Meat on a Whitetail Deer?

A man with Deer

Whenever you kill a whitetail deer, you have the option of selecting the best meat cuts to cook with. Although the common misconception is that the best meat is the […]

Best Whitetail Deer Hunting Weapons

A man with Deer

If you’re planning to hunt whitetail deer this year, you’ll likely want to invest in some quality hunting weapons. Rifles can make a big difference in the way you hunt, […]

Trophy Whitetail Hunting in Ohio

A Couple With Deer

Ohio is an excellent location for trophy whitetail hunting. Bucks are plentiful in the state, and Ohio has a history of producing outstanding P&Y bucks. In early November 2000, Mike […]

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