Best Whitetail Deer Hunting Weapons
If you’re planning to hunt whitetail deer this year, you’ll likely want to invest in some quality hunting weapons. Rifles can make a big difference in the way you hunt, […]
Trophy Whitetail Hunting in Ohio
Ohio is an excellent location for trophy whitetail hunting. Bucks are plentiful in the state, and Ohio has a history of producing outstanding P&Y bucks. In early November 2000, Mike […]
Can You Ship Animals You’ve Hunted?
When transporting your harvested animal, ensure it is in a properly sealed container. If possible, pack it in ice. The animal should be skinned and quartered. It should not be […]
Displaying a Trophy Whitetail Buck
For many hunters, a trophy whitetail buck is not just about the size. It’s about the experience of hunting the animal and bringing it home. These deer are at the […]
Does Masking Your Scent Help With Whitetail Deer Hunting?
While many hunters believe that masking their scent can help them in a successful hunt, this method can be ineffective. For starters, masking your scent won’t work if deer are […]
When Do Whitetail Bucks Sleep?
There are a variety of answers to the question “When do whitetail bucks sleep?” The first step is to understand what sleep is. Sleep is a period of time in […]
Can Whitetail Deer See Safety Vests?
If you’re thinking about going on a hunting trip, you might be wondering, “Can whitetail deer see safety vests?” But this question is a difficult one to answer. First of […]
Can Whitetail Bucks Really Smell You?
The whitetail deer’s olfactory bulb is about four times larger than a human’s. It produces scent signals that travel up the olfactory nerve to the limbic system, the part of […]
Hunting Preserves Provide Dream Hunts
Hunting in Ohio can be both challenging and rewarding. You can enjoy a dream deer hunt while enjoying a relaxing getaway. Hunting preserves in Ohio have everything you need to […]
Trophy Whitetail Deer Hunting in Ohio
If you’re looking to harvest a trophy whitetail, Ohio is the place to go. The state boasts some of the largest whitetails in the world. Thanks to a deer management […]